CBC & Blood Film Interpretation

An outline of a vertically elongated capsule shape with rounded ends and straight sides, reminiscent of a veterinarian's pill. The shape is centered on a white background.

CBC & Blood Film Interpretation

A blank white square, reminiscent of a sterile environment in a veterinarian's clinic, with no distinct features or objects visible.

CBC & Blood Film Interpretation 10-29-2021

A video thumbnail with the text "CBC & Blood Film Interpretation" and "Laura Waller RVT, Veterinarian" over a background featuring red liquid drips at the top. A play button icon is centered on the image.

CBC & Blood Film Interpretation Notes

PowerPoint slide image with three slides displayed: First slide has a header text "CBC & Blood Film Interpretation" with an image of dripping blood above it; Second slide lists topics covered, such as CBC interpretation and identifying cell types; Third slide depicts a diagram labeled "The Golden Circle" with "WHY", "HOW", and "WHAT." Ideal for veterinarians.

Blood Film Review
(Quick Steps)

Two slides from a presentation titled "Blood film review steps" by Laura Waller RVT, January 2022. The first slide shows the title and several red blood splatters. The second slide, titled "Step 1," instructs veterinarians to grossly examine the slide, apply oil, and assess clarity. There are three blood slides labeled Polycythemia, Normal, and

Stain Instructions

Instructions and safety information for Jorgensen Laboratories, Inc.'s J-322 Dip Quick Stain, a slide preparation kit for veterinary clinics. Designed specifically for veterinarians, it includes directions for use, safety precautions, the composition of the solutions, and first aid recommendations.

How to notate Blood Smear Findings on a CBC

A sample veterinary blood test report for a feline. The report includes information on various blood parameters, displaying results in tabular and graphical formats, with indications of low, normal, and high ranges. The test was performed at Animal Emergency Clinic by a veterinarian.
A medical report titled "Patient: Canine" shows blood test results with metrics including Seg, Band, Lymph, Mono, Eos, and Baso for RBC and WBC run. The tests reveal notable low and high values marked in tabular form with manual PCR results and written veterinarian notes.


RBC calculations

Screenshot of a webpage from "Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine - Eclinpath". The page title is "Erythrogram". The page includes sections on erythrogram basics, key indices like hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, and red blood cell count, along with a sidebar menu listing different veterinarian topics.

AVCPT Formula Guide

An image of a hematology formula guide titled "AVCPT Formula Guide" useful for veterinarians. It lists formulas for Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH), and Red Blood Cell Estimate.